Significance Through Service
BIPOC-Product Gift Boxes
Discover our unique collection of POC gift boxes curated with BIMPOC (Black, Indigenous, Multiracial and People of Color) owned or founded products. We are the top gifting company for discovering new POC products for supporting your local BIPOC communities and businesses.


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Our mission is to be the leader for equitable gift giving, by researching, stimulating an appreciation for, advancing knowledge of, and connecting BIPOC-owned business and independent makers with households in every community. Join us in our mission to uplift communities of color.
Our work changes lives by lifting up communities of color and creating economic equity for BIPOC businesses. Our partnership with corporations, diversity leaders, and community members offers an intimate level of product exposure for emerging and established businesses.


Customer praise!
"I wanted to take a moment and express my immense gratitude, excitement and appreciation for you all! Not only was purchasing gift boxes for our community a breeze, but everyone was so delighted by the gift boxes."
- Minneapolis, MN